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THE BIBLE IN A YEAR: In the Beginning: Creation, Adversity, and the Arrival of the King

Today's Readings: Genesis 1-3, Psalms 3, Matthew 2:1-12

Genesis 1-3:

Reflect on God's magnificent creation, the harmony disrupted by sin, and the promise of redemption. Consider how God's plan unfolded from the beginning.

Guided Bible Study:

1. Genesis 1:

- What aspects of God's creation stand out to you?

- How does recognizing God as the Creator influence your view of the world?

2. Genesis 2:

- Explore the intimate relationship between God and humanity in the garden.

- How does disobedience impact this relationship?

3. Genesis 3:

- Reflect on the consequences of Adam and Eve's disobedience.

- Consider the mercy and justice of God in response to sin.

4. Psalms 3:

- Connect David's experience of adversity with the fall in Genesis.

- How does David's trust in God's deliverance inspire you in challenging times?

5. Matthew 2:1-12:

- Explore the journey of the Magi and their worship of the newborn King.

- How does their response contrast with Herod's reaction?

Remember to conclude with prayer, expressing gratitude for God's creation, seeking strength in adversity, and acknowledging Jesus as the true King.



Ebenezer Community Church


9200 West Broadway Ave., Brooklyn Park, MN 55445

Phone: 763-651-2100 |

9AM & 11AM CT


©2024 Ebenezer Community Church

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